말하는 대로

Today I just recalled a Korean song, which is my very favorite one, called ‘말하는 대로’ in Korean and ‘言之命至’ in Chinese. I have no idea why I can recall it but when I just only thought about the lyric of the song and tried to sing it in a low voice, my tear almost went out… It moved me a lot! So today I repeated playing it for many times, and I think it is good for showing you the story of how I met with the song and the context of it.

I am a big fan of a Korean TV show ‘무한도전’(‘Infinite Challenge’ in English, ‘无限挑战’ in Chinese), though someone cannot assure my love of it(maybe in her eyes, the show will attract only girls and potential gay…). The song derives from it, sung by one of the main character(MC), called ‘유재석’(‘Jae Seok Yoo’ in English, ‘刘在石’ in Chinese) whom I admire very much. There is a tradition of Infinite Challenge that the program will hold a music festival every two years. In the very beginning, it was held under an overpass near river and the number of the audience was merely one hundred at most. However, on account of its accumulating popularity, it at most attracted eighty thousands people in total!

Back to the main point, This song was from the music festival held in 2011. Surprisingly, it was not included in the official scene, but played when every audience went back, only Jae Seok, together with his partner Juk Lee(In that year, they played as a band called “Sagging Snail”). It was just like a song which only sang to ‘Yoo’ himself partly because the line of it was mostly based on life during his twenties. It describes the struggle of current life and strong will to succeed while facing to perplexing future in his youth. No wonder ‘Yoo’ wept spontaneously while singing it.

There is also an anecdote of the touching song. When first hearing it, I got impressed by its lyric and rhythm, though I cannot understand any Korean. At that time I only regarded it as a well-designed song. But when I was in Berkeley, the I-house was helding a Korean culture party. I clearly remembered that the openning song was just ‘말하는 대로’, sung by a Korean boy(I think if I knew how to sing it I can do better than the singer in the hall though.x.). I am really surprised about such importance of the song that influence the young generation of Korean people. 말하는 대로 maybe a inspiration of adolescents fighting for the future.

the Korean culture party(during that time, I was having an interviewT T)

In the end, I strongly recommend you to listen to it! Visit Here!

p.s: I bet nono cannot win the slience game, so I gonna pretend to lose someday or she will cry.